Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: A. Canteaut, Stream ciphers, 6 hours, M1, Telecom ParisTech, France;

  • Master: A. Canteaut, Introduction to symmetric cryptography, 7 hours, M1, Telecom ParisTech, France;

  • Master: A. Canteaut, Error-correcting codes and applications to cryptology, 11 hours, M2, University Paris-Diderot (MPRI), France;

  • Master: N. Sendrier, Code-based cryptography, 4.5 hours, M2, University Paris-Diderot (MPRI), France;

  • Master: J.-P. Tillich, Introduction to Information Theory, 32 hours, M2, Ecole Polytechnique, France;

The members of the project-team also gave advanced lectures to several summer schools for PhD students:

  • Design and security of cryptographic algorithms and devices for real-world applications, Sibenik, Croatia, June 1-6, 2014: A. Canteaut and M. Naya-Plasencia.

  • Post-Quantum Cryptography Summer School, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, September 29-30, 2014: N. Sendrier.


  • PhD: Marion Bellard, Influence of the mapping in the reverse-engineering of a communication systems, University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, January 30, 2014, supervisor: N. Sendrier

  • PhD: Grégory Landais, Implementations of code-based cryptosystems and of their cryptanalyses, University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, September 18, 2014, supervisor: N. Sendrier

  • PhD: Denise Maurice, Quantum error-correcting codes with an efficient decoding algorithm, University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, June 26, 2014, supervisor: J.-P. Tillich

  • PhD: Valentin Suder, Differential properties of permutations and applications in symmetric cryptography, University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, November 5, 2014, supervisor: P. Charpin

  • PhD in progress: Virginie Lallemand, Cryptanalysis for symmetric cryptography, since October 2013, supervisors: M. Naya-Plasencia and A. Canteaut

  • PhD in progress: Joëlle Roué, Security analysis of block ciphers, since September 2012, supervisor: A. Canteaut

  • PhD in progress: Audrey Tixier, Recovering turbo-codes and LDPC codes, since October 2013, supervisor: J.P. Tillich

  • PhD in progress: Julia Chaulet, Study of public-key cryptosystems based on MDPC quasi-cyclic codes, since February 2014, CIFRE convention with Thales, supervisor: N. Sendrier

  • PhD in progress: Kaushik Chakraborty, Position-based Quantum Cryptography, since October 2014, supervisors: A. Leverrier, J.P. Tillich

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Hauteville, Rank-metric-based Cryptosystems, since October 2014, supervisors: P. Gaborit (Univ. Limoges) and J.-P. Tillich


  • Marion Bellard, Influence of the mapping in the reverse-engineering of a communication system, University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, January 30, 2014, committee: N. Sendrier (supervisor) and J.-P. Tillich;

  • Nathan Walk, Continuous Variable Quantum Communication, The University of Queensland, Australia, March 2014, A. Leverrier (reviewer).

  • Florian Caullery, Polynomials over finite fields for cryptography, Université Aix-Marseille, May 28, 2014, A. Canteaut (chair);

  • Denise Maurice, Quantum error-correcting codes with an efficient decoding algorithm, University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, June 26, 2014, committee: J.-P. Tillich (supervisor);

  • Deng Tang, Boolean functions for stream and block-ciphers, Université Paris 8, July 1, 2014, A. Canteaut (chair);

  • Anna Pappa, Quantum cryptographic primitives in realistic scenarios, Télécom ParisTech, July 10, committee: J.-P. Tillich;

  • Gregory Landais, Implementations of code-based cryptosystems and of their cryptanalyses, University Pierre-et-Marie Curie, September 18, 2014, committee: N. Sendrier (supervisor) and J.-P. Tillich;

  • Valentin Suder, Differential properties of permutations and applications in symmetric cryptography, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, November 5, 2014, P. Charpin (supervisor), A. Canteaut;

  • François Arnault, Contributions in discrete mathematics and cryptographic applications (Habilitation), University of Limoges, November 12, 2014, committee: J.-P. Tillich (reviewer);

  • Marion Candau, Non Abelian convolutional codes, University de Bretagne Occidentale, December 9, 2014, committee: J.-P. Tillich (reviewer);

  • Gaétan Murat, Weakly structured error correcting codes for the rank metric with applications to cryptography, University of Limoges, December 9, 2014, committee: J.P. Tillich (reviewer).

  • S. Raizada, Some Results On Analysis And Implementation Of HC-128 Stream Cipher, ISI Kolkata (India), January 2015, A. Canteaut (reviewer).